Saturday, July 5, 2014

Ethics vs Profit

The class lecture and discussion held last June 21most especially about the case of Ford Pinto is a great eye opener on the importance of Ethics. Ethics may be seen as a very idealistic topic and may not be popular for many. Again, leaders tend to look only at financial success which often times are referred to as revenue and/or profit. What happened to Ford when they launched Pinto changed their game field. Since the beginning they knew already that the Pinto had a design flaw which costed so many lives. What is disturbing is that Ford decided not to recall the cars they sold and even if there would be fatalities, they saw paying for the victims as a more feasible option. All because of profit, they decided for lives to be lost due to the design flaw of the vehicle. After so many accidents that have happened to Pinto cars, Ford has lost its glory and market leadership. Customers lost their confidence with Ford all because of a single design flaw which they decided not to change due to monetary reasons. I think this case reminds leaders to always put first what is right. If things are done right and in accordance to our Ethical values, everything will fall into their right place. I can relate this to the concept of Karma - what you give to others will also be given back to you.  

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