Sunday, August 3, 2014


Yesterday, one group has presented and discussed the case of PNOC EDC. At first I was shocked to learn that some people tend to question CSR initiatives done by an Organization. I guess we can't blame some people not understanding the reason why such activities are done. Or probably, some employees of PNOC EDC do not see the value of the Energy Camps because they do not get involved on such activities. After learning about this case, I realized that though CSR activities are an important part of an Organization, it is also equally important that employees get involved too. That way, the employees can get a feel of the activities and probably see for themselves the community being served which hopefully will make them understand of the need. Maybe PNOC EDC has a short coming too in terms of making the employees aware of the CSR activities such as Energy Camp why is it being done and who benefits from it. 

For me the key take away from this case is "communication" and "involvement". The Organization must be able to communicate its plans and initiatives including CSR projects to its employees and explain the relevance as to why it is important to give back. Probably it would be good if they can solicit feedback and inputs from the employees. Everyone needs to be encouraged to get involved. After communication, the CSR leads must now encourage participation from the employees. Participation from the employees will add more value on the activities in such a way that they will understand further the rationale behind what is being done and this will promote the initiative to the rest of the Organization population. 

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