Sunday, August 17, 2014

Glass Ceiling - Gender Discrimination in the Workplace

Discrimination has been an issue for quite a while especially in the workplace. It is defined the "action that denies social participation or human rights to categories of people based on prejudice". Discrimination can be in different forms: Age, Gender, Race, Religion, Disability, etc. One of the most common discrimination issue and a common debate topic is gender. Men are normally preferred for top rank positions. In the earlier years, male dominates the work place and often times high ranking officials are also men. In the recent time, women have become more empowered and has began to rise to success. Equal gender rights is becoming more popular and has gained support from a lot of sectors. However, there seems to be a "glass ceiling" which prevents women from rising up on some instances. Glass ceiling is defined as "the unseen, yet unbreakable barrier that keeps minorities and women from rising to the upper rungs of the corporate ladder, regardless of their qualifications or achievements". In the Philippines, this is still happening however a number of female executives have been successful in breaking the glass ceiling. Recently, an article was published in a broad sheet featuring a top female executive in the Business Process Outsourcing industry. Marife Zamora was recently appointed as Chairman of Convergys Philippines. Prior to that she was the Managing Director for Asia Pacific, Europe, and Middle East Operations of Convergys Corp. She was employee number 2 of Convergys Philippines and played a vital role in expanding the business in the country since it started back in 2013. I was a witness of her success as I used to work for Convergys. She is admired by all employees and everyone can feel her passion to work with people and make us successful. I guess Marife is a perfect example of a woman to prove that they can successfully rule the workplace if given the chance. She serves as an inspiration to so many women out there working that they too can rise up. Lastly, this should be a wake up call to everyone that equal opportunities must be given regardless of who or what ever a person is. After all, everyone is created by God equally.

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