Sunday, June 15, 2014

Vocation of a Business Leader

The workplace has become a very dynamic arena where one is able to interact, influence others, and make a difference. Business leaders play a vital part in running the businesses to meet the set objectives, which he/she is held liable. When I say Business Leaders, we don’t just mean those on the key positions such as those on the C level. All of us who lead a portion of an Organization is called a Business Leader. Often times, we, the Business Leaders, are so focused in attaining our primary business goal – financial success.

The article Vocation of the Business Leader helps us focus on a more important goal – common good. The article tells us to rethink how we do things at work. A key take away for me after reading the article first is to balance decisions between the business and people. We somehow disregard how others would feel about a business decision or how they would take it. It’s a business decision, period. Taking into consideration the people side will let a business leader manifest respect for people’s feelings, welfare, and dignity. As leaders we should also provide a workplace that will unleash the best of each employee. Empower them, teach them, equip and develop them. Encourage work-life balance by equally distributing work load. Make fair and humane decisions. Provide constructive feedback and never personally attack an offending employee if ever they commit any violation or any action against a company’s policy.

External factors must be considered also when making decisions. A product may be profitable but would it harm the environment? How will it impact the community where it was produced and will be used?

Last but not the least, we should be guided by our conscience when making decisions wherever we are. Regardless of our position, we should be guided by our conscience and regularly consult Him for whatever decisions we make at work.

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